Preparation is essential for any outdoor adventure. Having the necessary supplies and equipment can make a difference in your overall enjoyment and experience. Your camping list will vary according to the type of camping and activities you have planned, the places you are going, the time of year and the length of your trip. Add or remove items to suit your individual needs.
These are important items for your outdoor checklist:
- Tent
- Sleeping bags
- Sleeping Mat
- Camping pillow
- Headlamps or flashlights (and extra batteries)
- Campsite Extras
- Most of the following items are optional;
- Book/reading material
- Notebook and pen/pencil
- Music player/Bluetooth speaker
- Games and toys
- Clothing & Footwear
- Moisture-wicking underwear,t.shirt
- Quick-drying pants/shorts
- Long-sleeve shirts (for sun, bugs)
- Lightweight fleece or jacket
- Boots or shoes suited to terrain
- Socks (synthetic or wool)
- Sleepwear
- Additional items for rainy/ cold weather:
- Rainwear (jacket and pants)
- Long underwear
- Warm insulated jacket or vest
- Fleece pants
- Gloves
- Warm hat/Marvin
- Swimsuit
- Health & Hygiene
- Toilet paper
- Hand sanitizer
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Quick-dry towel
- Menstrual products
- Prescription medications
- First-aid kit(purpose to own one)
- Sun and bug protection:
- Sunscreen
- Sunglasses
- Sun hat
- Lip balm
- Insect repellent
- Credit card and/or cash
- National ID/Passport
- Cellphone
Author: Karori Mungai